Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Continued Studies - 06/24/2006 (Rock & Roll Stagnation)



David A. Archer




General Philosophy


02/16/2006 ~ 07/19/2006


When looking at our modern society with such considerations in mind - it is quite clear that such elements of disobedience in order to stave stagnation are already in play - and further are at a point where it is that they are exhibiting many of the stagnation dynamics (within themselves).

I happen on this observation while contemplating ways in which to benefit from that tendency toward corruptions (the most obvious of which being arts and the like) - then further in considering ways to utilize it as it is manifested around that hypothetical point of focus I have presented as speculation - yet again - being a hypothetical mind toy in regard to social dynamics and these obvious problematic areas.

This isn't to say that I believe all elements of it would become corrupted (in that worst sense) - but as history and society proves - such corruption is eminent to some degree.

Something further I should point out is that corruption is in regard to more than the suggested meaning - factually as history has proved - the idea itself would in some ways be corrupted - changed in motion, as it were - such is an aspect I would hope to efficiently utilize, as well.

When I consider it, such corruption within the use of corruption in that sense, is not only to be expected, but is very much in conjunction with that larger motion - even to some degree with the synthetic emulation and changes produced through that finite, two dimensional method.

This does not mean that I feel such should be dominant - only that it should be rather expected - again, as history and our developments (tendencies) have shown. ~

It is quite a literal thing, that progress - actual progress - happens outside of the established norm.

Such seems to be the nature of progress, itself.

This then means essentially, that to gain actual progress, one must defy the established to some degree. This even beyond (and mostly in ways not usually associated with) the topical understanding of defy. In other words, to progress one must break the law so to speak - but again, this beyond the average understanding of "break the law." This being more in the sense of progressive corruption(s) - but there again is that self stifling aspect I have described - especially pertaining to deliberate efforts to do so.

This perhaps is why some of those established methods I have eluded to, which have themselves begun to flounder (such as Rock & Roll for instance), are now finding themselves rendered less potent in such corruptions(much through that solidification and standardization aspect of concept/realization). One of the less topical corruptions in this example would be the fact that Rock & Roll is now an establishment and body of set standards of itself.

It is one of those absurdities I have mentioned which have been introduced (becoming motivators), which have now become normal - normalized - solidified, as it were.

As well (as in the Superman example) - the concept of Rock & Roll itself, is in much the same way (progressing dynamic as it were). ~

Stagnation is a very real enemy to a healthy society it would seem - regardless of how it is established and/or reached.

On further thought, given the consistent tendency for societies to actually push toward stagnation, perhaps we are only meant to stagnate?

11/28/2006 As I have put forward in explorative speculation before - this pattern would suggest that the possibility of everything imaginable stagnating - solidifying eventually - is presented. Imagine nothing moving at all.

Such is hard to believe though, as a person examines the magnificence produced somehow, from the various forms of progress. ~

To further examine the fact and use of those other tendencies, a person must first realize (at least consider) that the idea would be to produce and maintain a safety within society - as well as combating the stagnation. At the very least maintaining an aspect of consistency conducive to productive living.

In fact, from my perspective, such is an inherent part of a healthy society.

This then poses the problem in contradiction of not removing that other tendency body.

If it is that said tendencies become the standard (if unchecked) and norm - then again (as proven) a form of stagnation occurs.

If those tendencies are removed entirely - as I have stated - again the result is stagnation.

This, again as I have stated, presents the problem of usage in efficiency of those tendencies - if it is that a productive, healthy society is the over all goal - without both damage and stagnation in either extreme form they could manifest within this consistency.

Another direction of thought is in removal of said elements while implementing some other form of maintenance conducive to the health of a given society. That other form then needing to be able to fill the needs of that which is replaced in that sense. But it seems that there will always be both some form of standard and thusly then, some form of violation.

The trick here then, obviously becomes a need for efficient use of the violation (being representative of progress in this instance) - and potential consistencies without becoming too consistent.

It seems, through another of our human tendencies to assert control, that this could then become two extremes, then further - if unchecked - another form of stagnation (which of course raises the apparent need for other forms of stimulation).

This then suggests that a concerted effort would need be made to establish a larger percentage within that body of other - which were of a similar direction and mind set - than the percentage within the body of other who were radically bent with little or no actual direction.

Again, if it were in an effort to create a social engineering mechanism which was efficient in maintaining stability and safety (safety of course being a relative term in this instance) within society, while quelling the tendencies toward stagnation - this would stand to reason.

further, yet again - establishing such from a point and toward the goal of usurpation/dictation will - as historically proven and especially on a grand scale - find stagnation.

I believe, in considering such a hypothetical example in social dynamics, that said focal points would be most efficient and less susceptible to the forms of corruption rendering a crippled effect, and stagnation - if it was that they remained ignorant of any implied importance of themselves and said designs in directions - Thus allowing (save for those expected corruption elements) a self maintaining society.

Again, this is only if the want or direction of a society is in the interest of optimum freedoms, efficiency, safety and maintained vigor - for all involved.

Again, I find great personal pleasures in distracting myself with such useless thoughts as is this toying with the idea of some way to utilize the tendency and dynamic around such a concept!

I immediately believe that whatever I may suggest and even happen upon as thought - if I find any pleasing result at all, will have to tend to be somehow less constrained than the applied effort of containment. It seems as though such a social mechanism would provide for much possibility in addressing the idea of progress, the idea of social health, and of course for potentials of personal achievements in many directions. Whether it be seeking someone to spank your naughty bottom, a commitment to a given ideology, or even just pursuing the feeling of personal empowerment.

This approach seems as though it would further be relevant to addressing those tendencies toward constraint within society, which occur for what ever reasons.

How then to provide a non-constraining means with which to interpret and direct (perhaps), the motion of such an applied social mechanism?

I have personally toyed with a method of musing which combines elements of several different examples (within this proposed configuration) to again produce a whole through considering them and then rendering direction. I have done so mostly in conjunction with art work and some fiction.

Perhaps something of the sort could be in order with such a hypothetical idea? It is entertaining in thought - in a way that is, which occupies my time and mind in a manner I feel pleased with.

Definitely fun.

I am currently utilizing such a musing mechanism in a fiction I am nearly finished with. I have employed it in several ways and layers - and am pleased with the result thus far - especially given the fact that it is my initial (first) work of fiction in such a degree (around 500 pages with little effort in the way of inspiration or "writers block").

The title is; THE ROOM AMUSE. ~

In other directions of thought recently, I find myself posing the question to myself pertaining to previous trains of thought. That question being to the order of considering the total demise of humanity?

Would there then be another creature which developed the power of cognitive thought?

Have I found within myself substantial proofs that such a portal (as is cognitive thought) may be necessary to something else beyond our topical use and recognition of it?

Would it be replaced somehow in the wake of our no longer filling such a possible, speculative role?

Would such a plain of reality (post humanity) simply be without the peak of that which we are (represent) of it, in such a manner as per that connection?

it is banal to think that all else would perish with the passing of the human creature - what then of that relationship?

As musing speculation I ask myself; Would that cognitive capacity then be disbursed evenly in some manner?

Would it further develop at all? Would it continue in the same degree?

My immediate response is that I believe it would in some way.

I am as yet undecided as to in what manner I believe such would transpire.

Perhaps, in considering that which I have observed, which would happen in accord to that larger pattern of motion I have put forward elsewhere. ~

Perhaps, with our consistent focus and cumulative perspective removed, other - more drastic changes and transformations would occur, until again such was settled and again disbursed as per - in those other capacities - in such a manner as to again establish some consistency in perspective.


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